Book: Revelation
December 22, 2024
Series: Songs of the Season
The Song of Revelation reveals a scroll containing God’s plan to restore the world, which only Jesus is worthy to open. Through His sacrificial death, Jesus gained victory over sin… read more
December 17, 2023
Series: Advent 2023 - Watching & Waiting
Do you trust that God will restore everything on Earth when He comes? Do you believe that He has saved us from all the pain and suffering, and will renew… read more
May 14, 2023
Series: The Hospitality of God
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Be Ready, Celebration, Christ's Return, Deliverance, Discipleship
Book: Revelation
Revelation 19 describes a celebration banquet where God is the host, for it’s the wedding supper of the Lamb to His bride, the church. As we look forward to that… read more
September 27, 2020
Series: SENT
The passion of God is to have all of His creation – every person He made – to know and embrace His Son. Jesus repaired the broken relationship we had… read more
December 22, 2019
Series: Making Room
The book of Revelation is God’s last word about everything. There we will find that God is our source of hope, the answer to all catastrophe. The salvation songs praise… read more
April 29, 2018
God is seated on His throne with a plan for this world, and Jesus sits beside Him for He has triumphed over every enemy. Knowing this reality, we are called… read more
November 20, 2016
Series: Overcome
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Invitation, Lord Almighty, Sovereign, Throne of God, Worship
Book: Revelation
The throne of God is the ultimate center of all reality, absolute sovereignty, and a place of constant worship. We are invited to come to God’s throne of grace, to… read more
November 13, 2016
Series: Overcome
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Fellowship, Friendship, God's Heart, Our Heart, Passion
Book: Revelation
Jesus expresses His strong displeasure for the church at Laodicea because they weren’t passionate about Him. He asks for our whole heart: one that is grieved over sin, listening to… read more
November 6, 2016
Series: Overcome
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Encouragement, Evangelism, Lord Almighty, Opportunities, Security
Book: Revelation
The church at Philadelphia was small, insignificant, and weak. As they endured great opposition Jesus encourages them to remember who He is, to look to Him, and believe that He… read more