Series: A Time for Hope
Series Details
A Time for Hope
June 18, 2017 - July 2, 2017
A close relationship with Jesus brings us hope and peace. We understand our past has been dealt with, we are not alone in the present, and we have hope for the future regardless of our circumstances. We can share God's message of hope with others because we have experienced it for ourselves.
Sermons: 3

Sermons in A Time for Hope
July 2, 2017
Series: A Time for Hope
Jesus’ death and resurrection took us from death to life. Even though our physical bodies pass away, our life doesn’t when we believe in Jesus. Our future hope is found… read more
June 25, 2017
Series: A Time for Hope
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: Desires, God's Promises, Ordinary, Presence, Relationship with God
Book: John
Hope can be experienced today: in our ordinary days, the exciting “rainbow days”, in times of correction, in a storm, and when we choose to hide ourselves from God. God… read more
June 18, 2017
Series: A Time for Hope
Often we put our hope in our identity, people’s acceptance of us, our significance, or in the world’s security. Living hope is found in Jesus Christ, who places us into… read more