Series: Broken Together
Series Details
Broken Together
April 26, 2015 - June 14, 2015
We take a look at marriages from the Bible to see God's wisdom. Marriage brings together two broken people, with God intending for it to last forever. By God's grace, we can love our spouse the way God loves them.
Sermons: 7

Sermons in Broken Together
June 14, 2015
Series: Broken Together
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Covenant, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Friendship, Marriage
Book: Genesis
Abraham and Sarah’s marriage went the distance. For our marriages to last we must have the gospel change our hearts, we must become covenant keepers, our lives must be rooted… read more
June 7, 2015
Series: Broken Together
Naomi and Elimelek left God’s protection by moving to Moab and exposing their family to other gods. Their life went from bad to worse, but God saved Naomi by His… read more
May 31, 2015
Series: Broken Together
Pricilla and Aquila unified their marriage around the call of following Jesus together. God’s plan is for a husband and wife is to reveal Him by using their gifts for… read more
May 24, 2015
Series: Broken Together
Joseph followed mercy over judgement by protecting his bride from exposure. He denied himself to do the right thing, being obedient to God by staying with Mary. We can go… read more
May 17, 2015
Series: Broken Together
God doesn’t give up on us, so He asked Hosea to go and buy back his wife even though she left him. God hurts when His people reject Him. He… read more
May 3, 2015
Series: Broken Together
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Character, Following Jesus, God's Love, Marriage, Purpose
Book: Genesis
Marriage is the one decision in your life God expects you to get right the first time. God’s purpose for marriage is to showcase the power of the Spirit and… read more
April 26, 2015
Series: Broken Together
God designed marriage to be an alongside relationship. The way we treat our spouse is a direct reflection of God giving them to us, He entrusted them to us so… read more