Series: Confident Living in Chaotic Times
Series Details
Confident Living in Chaotic Times
January 22, 2012 - March 25, 2012
Is this world just random, or is there a sovereign God in control? God operates in relationships with real people in real circumstances. Going through the book of Daniel, we see that we can say with confidence that the Lord is our helper for His presence is with us.
Sermons: 10

Sermons in Confident Living in Chaotic Times
March 25, 2012
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Antichrist, End of the World, Future, God's Character, Sovereign
Book: Daniel
To close the book of Daniel, we read about the end of the world and the prideful antichrist. God gives us signs of what the end will be like. He’s… read more
March 18, 2012
Daniel receives a revelation from God, then he fasts while he asks God what the vision meant. When we pray, there is a battle behind the scenes and we have… read more
March 11, 2012
Daniel prays a confession prayer for God’s people, giving us a prayer on how to prayer when we’ve lost our first love for Jesus. Pastor Dan shares the marks of… read more
March 4, 2012
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Choice, End of the World, God's Kingdom, Prophecy, Victory
Book: Daniel
Apocalyptic literature is highly symbolic literature that was written to people who are going through hard times to celebrate God’s victory over evil. Right now we have the choice of… read more
February 26, 2012
Belshazzar commits an act of intentional defiance against God and it’s immediately addressed by Him. If we choose to hardened our hearts against God, He will give us over to… read more
February 19, 2012
Daniel (a captive in Babylon) choose to worship God first in his life and depended on God’s promises to save him. What do we love the most and make the… read more
February 12, 2012
It’s a slippery slope when everything goes well for us and we forget about God. God will warn us about our pride, giving us time to repent because He desires… read more
February 5, 2012
Daniel’s friends knew God’s Word and they made the decision to live by it. Their trust in God gave them faith to believe that no matter what happened to them,… read more
January 29, 2012
In Daniel 2, God disturbs the King in his sleep, He disgraces the astrologers, He discloses the dream to Daniel, and He distinguishes His servants. God’s sovereignty calls for our… read more