Series: Different
Series Details
June 6, 2021 - July 18, 2021
God's Kingdom is all encompassing; it's perfect harmony of everything under His reign, different than any kingdoms here on earth. We are invited to be a part of His beautiful, hopeful, and harmonious Kingdom.
Sermons: 7

Sermons in Different
July 18, 2021
Series: Different
When living in God’s Kingdom, we live for the future, keeping our eyes on Jesus when our lives get tough. We can trust the reality of God’s unshakeable kingdom. Assurance,… read more
July 11, 2021
Series: Different
One of the aspects of radical discipleship is creation care. How we act in relationship to the earth proclaims the gospel, because God values all of His creation. Primary Relationships,… read more
July 4, 2021
Series: Different
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Discipleship, End of the World, God's Mission, Gospel, Relationships
Book: Matthew
The timing of the end of the world is in God’s hands. He asks us not to worry about it but to focus on our mission of taking the gospel… read more
June 27, 2021
Series: Different
The gospel is the bridge that brings us to God, and it’s a sledgehammer that breaks down every barrier that separates us from one another. Modelling our lives after Jesus’… read more
June 20, 2021
Series: Different
When we allow Jesus to reign in our hearts, we receive a new lifestyle profile. Jesus shows us the outcomes of living in God’s Kingdom with the 8 beatitudes found… read more
June 13, 2021
Series: Different
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Change, God's Kingdom, Transformation, Vision, Worldview
Book: Philippians
In God’s Kingdom our citizenship has changed, as well as our thinking, and the purpose for our lives. God asks us to make His Kingdom the center of our lives,… read more
June 6, 2021
Series: Different
Our belief and acceptance of the gospel – the good news of Jesus restoring our relationship with God – is the reign of God in our hearts. God’s work in… read more