Series: Every Living Thing
Series Details
Every Living Thing
September 6, 2015 - October 25, 2015
Authentic Christian discipleship includes care for the earth. The Bible focuses on the goodness, glory, and goal of God's creation. The gospel includes renewal of every living thing for God created the world to last forever.
Sermons: 8

Sermons in Every Living Thing
October 25, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Future, New Creation, Presence, Saviour, Transformation
Book: Revelation
What does the future look like? Everything is new, brought back to it’s original intent. God comes down to live with us, and the old order has passed away. We… read more
October 18, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
The Bible teaches us that our choices have ecological, environmental, and eternal consequences. Nature laments before God for the devastation and destruction humans brought by sinning. To help with creation… read more
October 11, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
Every person is created to reflect the glory of our Maker, every voice rings out praises to our God. The voice of nature is their presence, their existence alone praises… read more
October 4, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
The earth is the Lord’s by creation and ours by delegation. To practically care for God’s creation we can practice the 3 R’s: Rejoice, Re-engage, and Relax. Watching, Observing, Singing,… read more
September 27, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
Our responsibility to is to rule and subdue every living thing, which includes saving them from destruction and extinction. In God’s Kingdom, rulers are servants, and He intends our creation… read more
September 20, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
The announcement of the gospel is that Jesus is Lord of everything. It is the story of what God has done to save all of His creation. The Creator is… read more
September 13, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
Sin disrupted the natural world, it’s under a curse, but not fallen because it is still witness to the reality and goodness of the Creator. Creation care starts by affirming… read more
September 6, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
God created the heavens and the earth, He owns it, and it is good. His purpose in creation is to bring everything under Jesus, having all things reconciled to Himself…. read more