Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
Series Details
Faith that Makes a Difference
September 11, 2011 - October 30, 2011
"God's grace and mercy is still held out for me - I'll act on that, and receive it." Faith is love in action. The book of James gives us a good foundation so we can grow up in our faith to be mature in Christ, living life wisely.
Sermons: 8

Sermons in Faith that Makes a Difference
October 30, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
When God’s people pray, something always happens! God is willing to hear your prayer, for you are welcome to come into the Most Holy Place through the blood of Jesus… read more
October 23, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: God's Voice, God's Word, Love, Relationship with God, Wisdom
Book: James
Wisdom comes out of a personal relationship with God. God speaks personally, clearly, and practically to us through His words and quiet whispers. If we ask God for wisdom, we… read more
October 16, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
Why is the control of our tongue so important? James tells us that it is the key to holy living. The keys to allowing the Holy Spirit to tame our… read more
October 9, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
God’s nature is giving – good and perfect gifts – giving to us by His extravagant generosity. The Father’s welcome to us never fails, for He is friendly and desires… read more
October 2, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
James gives us illustrations on what genuine faith looks like. Real faith is always moved towards action to those that have needs, it translates into trust and a new lifestyle,… read more
September 25, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
What James says about temptation applies to every one of us, for there’s no harmless sin without a hook to ensnare you. Don’t be surprised, confused, or deceived by temptation… read more
September 18, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
James speaks to us who are wealthy and have many possessions. If we’re going to address justice and compassion it will demand a culture shift and lifestyle change. Wealth and… read more
September 11, 2011
Series: Faith that Makes a Difference
Obedience to God’s Word is the primary mark of spiritual maturity. When we humbly accept God’s Word that has been planted in our hearts, it can save us from the… read more