Series: Jesus... Healer
Series Details
Jesus... Healer
September 9, 2018 - October 28, 2018
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Jesus' works of healing, teaching, and preaching go together to bring restoration and wholeness to His creation. When we bring our helplessness and hopelessness to Jesus, He will always answer our cries for help, though it may not be what we expect.
Sermons: 8

Sermons in Jesus... Healer
October 28, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
We’re not fully healed until we become an obedient disciple of Jesus. Jesus calls His disciples to join Him on mission by teaching, preaching, and healing others with compassion by… read more
October 21, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
The blind men kept searching for Jesus because they believed in Him. Jesus wants us to take action with our faith, to search for His presence and then obey His commands… read more
October 14, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
Jesus has compassion on anyone who asks Him for help. Both Jairus’ daughter and the sick woman were healed because their faith to ask Jesus for His healing. Nothing is… read more
October 7, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
What barriers keep you from the presence of Jesus? The paralytic was brought to Jesus by his friends because he couldn’t walk, but Jesus healed more than just his legs…. read more
September 30, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
Jesus has authority over all the powers and forces that threatened to keep the demon-possessed men in bondage. Jesus has a delivering power, a disturbing power, and a demonstrating power… read more
September 23, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law simply with a touch, and no one asked Him to heal her. His actions broke down barriers of gender and displayed that everyone is equal partners… read more
September 16, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
The Roman Centurion tells Jesus of his need, to which Jesus responds by healing the Centurion’s servant with His words. Jesus is eager to help us, present when we need… read more
September 9, 2018
Series: Jesus... Healer
Jesus startles everyone by touching a leper. With His powerful words, He transforms the leper’s life. We don’t have to clean ourselves up before coming to Jesus, we can come… read more