Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Series Details
MOVE... A Study on James
July 8, 2018 - August 26, 2018
The book of James is straight-forward in showing us the "right way" to walk with Jesus. The choice is ours whether we believe Jesus and choose to follow Him, or decide to go our own direction apart form Him.
Sermons: 8

Sermons in MOVE... A Study on James
August 26, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Christ's Return, New Creation, Patience, Perseverance, Wisdom
Book: James
What does patience look like when we’re suffering? James encourages us to wait with perseverance and godly wisdom, and without complaint, as we long for the return of Jesus. Longing,… read more
August 19, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: Desires, Grace, Needs, Relationship with God, Spiritual Adultery
Book: James
If we have relationship problems, there’s a desire within us that’s not being met. We don’t have our needs fulfilled because we don’t look to God, the One who loves… read more
August 12, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Life is a path – we all go down the path one decision at a time. Wisdom is applied knowledge, actively following God’s direction for our purpose, dreams, and desires… read more
August 5, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
James insists on purity in our speech. Our tongues are small but powerful, giving words of life or death. Our words reveal the condition of our heart, which only can… read more
July 29, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
If we claim to follow Jesus, are we committed to what we say by making our faith visible? Real faith is more than talk, a feeling, knowledge, or believing; it’s… read more
July 22, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
James challenges his readers to look at others with God’s love, not just outside appearances or our own judgements. When we ask God to take control, He will direct us… read more
July 15, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Book: James
Spending time in God’s Word is able to protect us, lead us to freedom, and bless us. God works in our lives before, during, and after we read His Word…. read more
July 8, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
James begins his letter by telling us how to stand firm in our trials. By having an attitude of joy, an understanding mind, a surrendered will, and a believing heart… read more