Series: Not By Bread Alone
Series Details
Not By Bread Alone
September 7, 2014 - February 1, 2015
"There's a better way to live!" Deuteronomy gives you a vision of what life could be like if you bring God into it. Moses' sermons remind us that we don't just find nourishment from physical bread, but by the words of God.
Sermons: 16

Sermons in Not By Bread Alone
February 1, 2015
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Friendship, Grace, Legacy, Relationship with God, Responsibility
Book: Deuteronomy
Moses’ legacy reminds us that it’s never too late to get started for God, your past is not a hinderance to God, your relationship with Him matters the most, and… read more
January 25, 2015
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Belonging, Blessing, Children of God, Identity, Security
Book: Deuteronomy
Moses pronounces a blessing on each tribe, reminding them of who they are. Like the Israelites, we are God’s children moving into an unknown future, but we have the security… read more
January 18, 2015
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Faithfulness, God's Character, Remember, Singing, Worship
Book: Deuteronomy
God gives us His Word, festivals, and worship songs to remind us to remain faithful to Him. Moses’ song teaches us about a God who doesn’t change. This truth shapes… read more
January 11, 2015
Series: Not By Bread Alone
You are welcome to come back to God! Your return to God starts with knowing that you aren’t where you should be by hearing God’s Word. When we change our… read more
January 4, 2015
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Blessing, Celebration, Gratitude, Remember, Salvation
Book: Deuteronomy
The Israelites were called to celebrate festivals to remember everything God had done for them. We must never let celebration slip from our hearts, while remembering to respond with deep… read more
November 23, 2014
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: God's Character, God's Heart, Grace, Justice, Salvation
Book: Deuteronomy
Justice is to be a way of life for all of God’s people who have experienced His grace. The greatest act of justice was Jesus dying on the cross so… read more
November 16, 2014
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Dependance, Drifting Away, Loyalty, Our Heart, Relationship with God
Book: Deuteronomy
Nothing on earth is as important as a person’s relationship with God. We are tempted to be drawn away from Him by other gods/idols, our families, and by other people…. read more
November 9, 2014
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Deuteronomy 12 instructs God’s people on how to respond in worship to all the good things God has done. Acceptable worship calls for the renunciation of all other gods and… read more
November 2, 2014
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Blessing, Dependance, God's Family, Our Heart, Remember
Book: Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 8 is for people who are tempted to find their meaning in material things. The Israelites were to look back at their past and learn lessons from it: their… read more