Series: Promises
Series Details
September 8, 2013 - December 1, 2013
In the book of Joshua, God keeps every one of His promises to the Israelites! Our life in Christ is defined by God's promises, not by what we see.
Sermons: 10

Sermons in Promises
December 1, 2013
Series: Promises
A life of discipleship is sustained by wise God-informed choices. God’s grace, protection, provision, presence, and power brought the Israelites to the land. He asks us to throw away any… read more
November 24, 2013
Series: Promises
How do we not lose the ground that we’ve gained in our life? By listening to the wisdom of our elders, knowing that God’s plan will continue, remembering what God… read more
November 17, 2013
Series: Promises
Chapters 13-21 is the theological center of the book of Joshua. Its tangible proof that Israel received what God promised centuries before. God has unwavering reliability. You can build your… read more
November 3, 2013
Series: Promises
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Defender, God's Promises, God's Word, Prayer, Repentance
Book: Joshua
Listening, waiting, and pursing God in times of uncertainty gives us hope and peace. God fights for His people! Even if we stumble and fail, God will welcome us back… read more
October 27, 2013
Series: Promises
God must honour the integrity of His name when He is involved in our vows. For His name sake, God brings the strength, power, and forgiveness required for us to… read more
October 20, 2013
Series: Promises
Achan tried to hide his sin of coveting from God, which resulted in a loss of blessing and judgment. Our sin hurts others not just ourselves. In the same way,… read more
October 6, 2013
Series: Promises
God is presented as a warrior. Jericho was God’s enemy and it was His war. He has divine sovereignty, justice, and judgement – yet He is a God of mercy,… read more
September 22, 2013
Series: Promises
Amongst the Israelites, there was a living God who was very powerful and able to remove their obstacles. When we face formidable problems it is wise to recommit ourselves to… read more
September 15, 2013
Series: Promises
Rahab becomes the unlikely candidate for admission into God’s family because of God’s rich mercy, which always triumphs over judgment. Your past is not a hinderance to God, for His… read more