Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Series Details
The Art of Neighbouring
June 2, 2013 - September 1, 2013
Jesus knows every person in our neighbourhood, and we have been placed there by God to love our neighbours. Throughout this series we look at Jesus' command to love our neighbours as ourselves and how we can engage with our neighbours by extending God's compassion and grace to them.
Sermons: 14

Sermons in The Art of Neighbouring
September 1, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
God determined the exact places we should live, for we are sent by the Holy Spirit to love our neighbours. The Spirit guides us to pray for our neighbours in… read more
August 25, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Jonah was angry with God because He showed His compassionate and gracious character to the Ninevites. It is wise to let God shape your concerns and prayers to reflect His… read more
August 18, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Decisions, God's Heart, God's Kingdom, God's Mission, God's Word
Book: Jonah
Jonah was a prophet with a comfortable lifestyle, then the Word of the Lord came to him to go to Ninevah and he silently chose to run away from God…. read more
August 11, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Book: Colossians
How do we practically engage with our neighbours to point them to God? Colossians teaches us to pray for them, keeping our eyes open for the opportunities that God gives… read more
August 4, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Ashwin Ramani
Topic: All People, God's Mission, Neighbours, Sharing Good News, Worship
Book: Psalms
We share God’s story of redeeming all people groups to give them reason to praise a faithful and loving God. The worship of the Lord is incomplete until the day… read more
July 28, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
A palace worker heard that Jeremiah was stuck in a pit and took action to rescue him. Our neighbours may be crying out for help, and God is asking us… read more
July 21, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
God speaks to Jeremiah to give him confidence to counter his fears and inexperience. Just like Jeremiah, God has prepared us, His presence is with us, and He will provide… read more
July 14, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: Community, Faithfulness, Humility, Potential, Spiritual Gifts
Book: Matthew
God has given each of us potential for investment into the mission of His Kingdom for the benefit of others. God expects fruit to show up out of our potential,… read more
July 7, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Spiritual growth happens when we allow ourselves to be courageous, being obedient to God’s Word by going to share the Good News and leaving the results up to Him. A… read more