Series: Two Journeys - One Purpose
Series Details
Two Journeys - One Purpose
December 2, 2012 - December 23, 2012
The book of Ruth tells a story of ordinary people who were helpless and hopeless. One journey is from Moab to Bethelehem, and the other journey is from heaven to Bethlehem. God's purpose for Christmas is to send His Son to be the Saviour of the helpless and the hopeless.
Sermons: 4
Sermons in Two Journeys - One Purpose
December 23, 2012
Series: Two Journeys - One Purpose
Ruth is a story of how God took a broken family and brought them to a place of fullness, joy, and hope. God’s kingdom goes forward with risk and sacrifice…. read more
December 16, 2012
Series: Two Journeys - One Purpose
The “Family Redeemer” is someone from the extended family who can restore the person to their original position. We can’t fix ourselves in our helpless state, we must ask God… read more
December 9, 2012
Series: Two Journeys - One Purpose
God’s unfailing love extends to everyone who takes refuge in Him, giving them a future and hope. Behind the scenes God is orchestrating the affairs of Ruth and Naomi’s life… read more
December 2, 2012
Series: Two Journeys - One Purpose
In the book of Ruth, we see that we are here because of God’s unfailing love for us. Even in the worst times of our lives, God is at work… read more