Series: Uncharted
Series Details
August 2, 2015 - August 30, 2015
Each person lives a unique life, and we are all going into unknown territory. How do we hear God and get direction from Him? He provides direction through His word, His Spirit, and the gift of a Christian community. God desires for us to communicate and be with Him even more then we desire it.
Sermons: 5

Sermons in Uncharted
August 30, 2015
Series: Uncharted
Christian community gathers together to learn God’s framework for life and goes out to live it. We won’t grow without community, for it’s the discipline of exposing ourselves that realigns… read more
August 23, 2015
Series: Uncharted
God wants us to know His heart, and He provides that conversation with us through the Holy Spirit. He cares about our worship, our relationships, our purpose, and our character…. read more
August 16, 2015
Series: Uncharted
Speaker: Denise Snyder
Topic: God's Character, God's Story, God's Word, Salvation, Victory
Book: John
The Bible is God’s story of the things that He has been doing and still doing in the world He created. When we hear His story, we see that it… read more
August 9, 2015
Series: Uncharted
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: Direction, God's Heart, God's Word, Listening, Relationship with God
Book: Joshua
We often look within ourselves for direction. A better compass for our lives is God’s Word, for in it we find meaning, purpose and direction from the Father. Will we… read more
August 2, 2015
Series: Uncharted
Often we’re trying to get God to give us wisdom on how to live out our plans, wanting Jesus to follow us. Is the soil of our heart soft to… read more