Series: Broken
Series Details
January 9, 2011 - March 13, 2011
The book of Job gives us wise council for when calamity hits our lives. In our long journey of brokenness and suffering, Job's experience teaches us that we can trust God to be present with us.
Sermons: 10

Sermons in Broken
March 13, 2011
Series: Broken
From the book of Job, we learn that God is full of compassion and mercy. God displays His compassion and mercy not only to Job, but to his friends as… read more
March 6, 2011
Series: Broken
When God speaks to Job, He talks about His creation by asking Job a lot of questions. Job just sees God, who is way other than he ever thought God… read more
February 27, 2011
Series: Broken
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Certainty, Faith, Redeemer, Relationship with God, Resurrection
Book: Job
Job wanted his testimony recorded, for he found great hope in that His redeemer lives and that one day he will see God. The assurance that his relationship with God… read more
February 20, 2011
Series: Broken
How do we cope with our brokenness till Jesus’ return? Job sees that you get there with wisdom and understanding that is found with God. Coming under God’s Word teaches… read more
February 13, 2011
Series: Broken
Sometimes life turns out different than we thought or were expecting. Job was hopeless, experiencing disappointment, devastation, despondency, and despair. Jesus is the centerpiece of our hope, the One that… read more
February 6, 2011
Series: Broken
Job wonders why good things happen to bad people, for he was worshiping God and he was suffering. God’s ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts like ours,… read more
January 30, 2011
Series: Broken
Job felt that he had lost God. However, he was able to say “I was unable to find God, but I trust in Him.” Holding onto God’s promises of His… read more
January 23, 2011
Series: Broken
Job is at his breaking point. He’s angry and wants to give up on life. He breaks his long silence with despair and the sense of being utterly alone. How… read more
January 16, 2011
Series: Broken
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Brokenness, God's Ways, Relationship with God, Submission, Suffering
Book: Job
Job accepted the trouble he had received from the Lord, refusing to be bogged down in trying to understand the reasons why. Job’s friends first respond by being present with… read more