Series: Prayer 101
Series Details
Prayer 101
June 3, 2012 - August 12, 2012
We desire for CrossRoads Church to become a house of prayer - not just talking or learning about it - but actually doing it. This series looks at the basics of prayer, where a continual conversation with a real living God becomes a daily part of our lives.
Sermons: 11

Sermons in Prayer 101
August 12, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Following Jesus, Persecution, Perseverance, Prayer, Suffering
Book: Matthew
Everyone who wants to live like Jesus will suffer persecution. We are not to forget those who are persecuted for following Jesus, remembering to pray for them with love and… read more
August 5, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
Like Jonah, when we are in great trouble God will hear our cries for help and answer our prayers. Trouble can be brought on by our own disobedience, God’s discipline,… read more
July 29, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Holy Spirit, Opportunities, Prayer, Salvation, Sharing Good News
Book: Romans
What can we do to bring people to the One who can save life not only now, but forever? Pastor Dan shares five principles that give us a sound basis… read more
July 22, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
We all want control of our lives, we want to be king of our own kingdom. Prayer changes reality because it gives God space to change our hearts, which leads… read more
July 15, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: God's Will, Listening, Prayer, Presence, Relationship with God
Book: 2 Kings
To hear God, we simply must prepare ourselves to acknowledge His presence and be willing to hear what He has to say. Can we let go of our own agendas… read more
July 8, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
There are many reasons why it’s difficult or hard to pray. In our helplessness, we can bring our needs to Jesus telling Him what we lack. Then we leave it… read more
July 1, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
As God’s people go, so goes the nation. If we can take our eyes off of ourselves and put them onto God, seeking His face and pressing on to acknowledge… read more
June 24, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
We can come with boldness and freedom of speech right into God’s presence through Jesus. God is asking us to believe Him and to pray according to His will. God… read more
June 17, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
An intercessor’s heart is devoted and dedicated to God’s heart. They are fueled by their belief in the absolute certainty of God’s promises and gripped by the needs for whom… read more