Topic: All People
August 20, 2023
Series: Worship on the Way
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: All People, Church, God's Kingdom, God's Mission, Unity
Book: Psalms
A united church practices eating together, makes every effort to keep the bond of peace, and is a diverse group of people headed in the same direction. To join God… read more
November 27, 2022
Series: Advent 2022
There is singing, worship, and hope where God is. God’s heart is for all people to experience these with Him. Our role is to tell others of the amazing things… read more
September 27, 2020
Series: SENT
The passion of God is to have all of His creation – every person He made – to know and embrace His Son. Jesus repaired the broken relationship we had… read more
September 8, 2019
Series: Vision Sundays
No one is excluded from God’s grace and knowing Him. We are brought together into community through Jesus. Jesus speaks truth to all of us, wherever we are at, and… read more
June 12, 2016
Series: Luke: Gospel for Outsiders
God invites everyone to His satisfying banquet table with “Come”. You come to the banquet by accepting Jesus’ gift of grace, not by right or privilege. The gospel is offered… read more
April 17, 2016
Series: Luke: Gospel for Outsiders
“All mankind will see God’s salvation!” Luke’s message is the Good News of salvation – forgiveness of sins to everyone who repents and believes in and through the person of… read more
November 9, 2014
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Deuteronomy 12 instructs God’s people on how to respond in worship to all the good things God has done. Acceptable worship calls for the renunciation of all other gods and… read more
August 4, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Ashwin Ramani
Topic: All People, God's Mission, Neighbours, Sharing Good News, Worship
Book: Psalms
We share God’s story of redeeming all people groups to give them reason to praise a faithful and loving God. The worship of the Lord is incomplete until the day… read more