Topic: Communion
May 7, 2023
Series: The Hospitality of God
Jesus took His disciples to the upper room to share the meaning of the New Covenant. The table of the Lord has significance for everyone who loves Jesus: it is… read more
March 26, 2017
Series: The Final Week
Only Jesus can help us get right with God. Jesus shocked the disciples by declaring that He was the Deliverer they longed for. To have salvation, freedom, and provision, we… read more
March 29, 2013
Series: Easter
All of Jesus’ actions at the Lord’s Supper visually describe the meaning of His death: He takes, prays, breaks, and gives. Before we do anything for God, we must first… read more
March 3, 2013
Series: Messy Church
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Communion, God's Family, Presence, Symbols, Welcome
Book: 1 Corinthians
Everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Supper. The symbols represent spiritual realities: we retell the story of Jesus’ death and apply it to ourselves, we declare that we are one… read more