Topic: Contentment
July 5, 2020
Series: 10 Ways to Enjoy Life
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: Contentment, Coveting, Gratitude, Humility, Provision
Book: Deuteronomy
Coveting involves jealousy, envy, discontentment, dissatisfaction, and destroys our relationships with our neighbours. When we have an attitude of contentment and humble gratitude, we can see and accept the provision… read more
May 13, 2012
Series: Status Update
We’re always drawn to the “something else” factor, longing for what we do not have. The root cause of our discontentment is our anger with God and doubting that He… read more
May 8, 2011
King Solomon made it his priority to find satisfaction in life, and he learned that nothing under the sun satisfied. It’s exhausting trying to chase something to fulfill us. When… read more