Topic: Covenant
January 3, 2021
Series: It's Complicated
Jesus has already done for us everything He is asking us to do for our spouses. Happy couples know how to love and invest in their spouse, to put aside… read more
July 9, 2017
Series: Never Beyond Hope
Jacob’s family was a disaster, but God loved Jacob and promised to be his friend, his protection, and his provision. Our families can be changed by God’s grace when we… read more
February 26, 2017
Series: Christianity
When you come to Christ, you are called out of this world to belong to Him and His church. It’s a global community of forgiven sinners who are united by… read more
February 21, 2016
Series: Lament
David writes that he feels abandoned by God in Psalm 13. He pours himself out to God, bringing his real emotions to a real God. Prayer makes our hearts change… read more
June 14, 2015
Series: Broken Together
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Covenant, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Friendship, Marriage
Book: Genesis
Abraham and Sarah’s marriage went the distance. For our marriages to last we must have the gospel change our hearts, we must become covenant keepers, our lives must be rooted… read more
May 17, 2015
Series: Broken Together
God doesn’t give up on us, so He asked Hosea to go and buy back his wife even though she left him. God hurts when His people reject Him. He… read more
April 26, 2015
Series: Broken Together
God designed marriage to be an alongside relationship. The way we treat our spouse is a direct reflection of God giving them to us, He entrusted them to us so… read more
September 7, 2014
Series: Not By Bread Alone
Moses’ four sermons can be summarized by the words: Remember, Law, Renewal, and Blessing. Deuteronomy is a covenant renewal document between God and His people. God is calling us back… read more
June 2, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Covenant, Greatness, Neighbours, Sharing Good News, View of God
Book: Romans
Is there anything greater than God? He keeps His covenant with us to be for us, not abandoning us for any reason. This also benefits our neighbours, for when we… read more