Topic: Darkness
December 24, 2022
Series: Christmas Eve
What do you really need for Christmas? Jesus provides for our greatest needs; He is the great Light that came in the flesh to be the Saviour of everyone! Christmas… read more
December 5, 2021
Series: Out of the Dark
Our Creator can move us from our darkness into His Light, because He knows everything about us. The best, most fulfilling, satisfying life is found in Jesus. Inside, Alone, Shadows,… read more
March 29, 2020
Series: Unshakeable
Jesus claims to be the light of the world: the light of life, truth, and hope that lasts forever. Jesus matters because without Him we walk around in darkness, apart… read more
April 21, 2019
Series: Easter
John writes his account of Jesus’ resurrection so that we’ll believe and put our trust in Jesus. What began as a dark day of loss and grief for Jesus’ disciples,… read more
April 7, 2019
Series: Seven Lasting Words
Jesus’ words of separation from His Father take us into the darkness of covering, mourning, judgement, and separation as He bore all our sins. Afterwards, we’re brought into the beginning… read more
December 23, 2018
Series: Jesus... Immanuel
We can’t save ourselves in this world of darkness, our hope needs to come from the outside. The Light that saves us was born as a child with all the… read more
December 2, 2018
Series: Jesus... Immanuel
In midst of despair, we wrestle with God about why difficult things happen to us. We long for sin to be dealt with and justice to come. As we wait… read more
April 9, 2017
Series: Easter, The Final Week
Baptism is a believer’s response to what Jesus did for them on the cross. He was separated from His Father when all our sins were placed upon Him, so we… read more
March 13, 2016
Series: Lament
Psalm 22 gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ prayers on the cross when He was utterly abandoned going through the darkness. Like Christ, we can discover that God rules in… read more