Topic: Perseverance
July 30, 2023
Series: Worship on the Way
Psalm 126 is sung as the community travelled to a celebration so they would not forget the people in their midst that are in a season of lament. In difficult… read more
May 8, 2022
Series: Living a Joy-FULL Life
We can rejoice in the good news of the gospel, for God has kept His promise and made a way for us to reconciled to Him! We will find the… read more
January 10, 2021
Series: It's Complicated
To remain in love with our spouse, we will find help and healing as we press into the source of love, our Heavenly Father. We have to choose daily to… read more
March 3, 2019
Series: Unashamed
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Faithfulness, Grace, Perseverance, Relationships, Victory
Book: 2 Timothy
At the end of Paul’s letter to Timothy, he encourages Timothy to keep his faith when life isn’t easy knowing there’s a prize waiting for him with Jesus. Paul doesn’t… read more
August 26, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Christ's Return, New Creation, Patience, Perseverance, Wisdom
Book: James
What does patience look like when we’re suffering? James encourages us to wait with perseverance and godly wisdom, and without complaint, as we long for the return of Jesus. Longing,… read more
July 8, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
James begins his letter by telling us how to stand firm in our trials. By having an attitude of joy, an understanding mind, a surrendered will, and a believing heart… read more
March 11, 2018
Series: How Then Shall We Live
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Book: Hebrews
The writer of Hebrews compares the Christian life to a marathon and a father disciplining his son. We’re encouraged to not give up on running the race, and to trust… read more
August 12, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Following Jesus, Persecution, Perseverance, Prayer, Suffering
Book: Matthew
Everyone who wants to live like Jesus will suffer persecution. We are not to forget those who are persecuted for following Jesus, remembering to pray for them with love and… read more
July 8, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
There are many reasons why it’s difficult or hard to pray. In our helplessness, we can bring our needs to Jesus telling Him what we lack. Then we leave it… read more