Topic: Perspective
May 17, 2020
Series: For Such a Time as This
Speaker: Shawn Hubert
Topic: Faithfulness, God's Promises, Perspective, Remember, Trust
Book: Daniel
Daniel and his friends decided to live for God despite their circumstances, trusting that He was in control. How do we respond when we experience turmoil? We can turn to… read more
August 21, 2016
Series: Myopia
We choose to give our lives for the eternal things of God’s Kingdom when we deny our selfish desires. God saves our lives for eternity when we put His kingdom… read more
August 7, 2016
Series: Myopia
When Christians see life and eternity from God’s perspective, their trust and hope in Him is unstoppable. With this awareness of eternity, we can adjust our agenda in life. Authority,… read more