Topic: Relationships
September 4, 2022
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Cleansing, Holy, Relationship with God, Relationships, Repentance
Book: Joshua
When God gives us the opportunity to start over, He asks us to consecrate ourselves by making our lives holy and ready for Him. We get ready by getting right… read more
July 31, 2022
Series: Hidden Figures
Hospitality extends the gospel to others in our lives. As we pay attention to others, they feel welcomed into God’s family, just as Jesus welcomes us. Shared Life, Acceptance, Rest,… read more
July 24, 2022
Series: Hidden Figures
A close relationship with Jesus gives us wisdom to know how to help others in their suffering. Eliphaz, Job, Focus on Them, Present, Advice, Crisis, Prayer, Unseen, Relationship with Jesus,
May 29, 2022
Series: Living a Joy-FULL Life
Paul closes his letter by showing us how joy is displayed, and how we can live together in unity. We get to experience peace because we’re in alignment with God… read more
July 4, 2021
Series: Different
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Discipleship, End of the World, God's Mission, Gospel, Relationships
Book: Matthew
The timing of the end of the world is in God’s hands. He asks us not to worry about it but to focus on our mission of taking the gospel… read more
May 16, 2021
Jesus prayed that we would be unified so we can show the world who He is. The disciples of Jesus demonstrated how to live in unity by being extremely committed… read more
October 6, 2019
Series: Back to the Heart of God
God’s heart breaks at our rebellion, but with forgiving love He takes us back and we stay with Him because of His healing. Hosea’s appeal is for us to turn… read more
July 14, 2019
Prince Jonathan showed us what it looks like to be a great for friend. Jonathan showed up for David, encouraged him to trust God with his fears, he did not… read more
June 23, 2019
Series: Reading the Bible for Life
Speaker: Denise Snyder
Topic: Bible, Community, God's Story, God's Word, Relationships
Book: Nehemiah
When the Israelites would hear the scriptures read as a group they would be reminded of God’s story in their lives. Often the Bible is written to a group of… read more