Topic: Seeking
July 14, 2024
Speaker: Jeff Goudy
Topic: Cleansing, Fruit of the Spirit, Idols, Seeking, Transformation
Book: Matthew
Guest speaker, Jeff Goudy highlights the significance of the invitation Jesus extends; “If anyone is thirsty, come to Me.” As believers, God asks us to ensure we are filled with… read more
November 26, 2023
Series: Advent 2023 - Watching & Waiting
Let’s ask God to revive our hearts and make His presence known. If we are seeking Him and have the desire to live right by God, we will find Him… read more
February 7, 2021
Series: Unfazed
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Joy, Relationship with God, Repentance, Restoration, Seeking
Book: Psalms
When we wander away from God on our own, He comes after us wanting our relationship with Him to be restored. Our acceptance of being found is Jesus’ definition of… read more
December 13, 2020
Series: The Hearts of Christmas
The Magi came searching for the promise they had seen in the sky. They were unwelcomed by the Israelites, but God welcomed them and gave them what they were searching… read more
February 16, 2020
Series: Back to the Heart of God
Zephaniah shows us that the holy God is angry over sin. God is angry when we ignore or turn away from Him, when we don’t seek Him, when we adopt… read more
May 25, 2014
Series: Life Can Begin Again
We can’t live out the teachings of Jesus without asking for help from the Spirit to do so. He wants us to ask, and not give up on asking, for… read more
July 1, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
As God’s people go, so goes the nation. If we can take our eyes off of ourselves and put them onto God, seeking His face and pressing on to acknowledge… read more
June 10, 2012
Series: Prayer 101
Christians pray to a Father that knows them. God changes our priorities when we pray. We start with honour and glory to Him, then we share our needs with our… read more
January 29, 2012
In Daniel 2, God disturbs the King in his sleep, He disgraces the astrologers, He discloses the dream to Daniel, and He distinguishes His servants. God’s sovereignty calls for our… read more