Topic: Silence
May 12, 2024
Series: People of The Way
Silence and solitude is imperative to live a Spiritual Christian Life. It is during these moments where God forms and affirms our identity, and refines our calling. Solitude, Wisdom, Loved,… read more
Jesus put His needs, rights, and interests aside to do the will of the Father. He fulfilled prophecy by silently going to the cross to redeem His creation. Silent, Fulfill… read more
May 28, 2017
Series: Listening to the God Who Speaks
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Friendship, Gentle Whisper, God's Voice, Ordinary, Silence
Book: 1 Samuel
When God spoke to Samuel, He called to him in the silence by name. God speaks to us in the gentle whisper of our own thoughts. We can confirm that… read more
January 30, 2011
Series: Broken
Job felt that he had lost God. However, he was able to say “I was unable to find God, but I trust in Him.” Holding onto God’s promises of His… read more