Topic: Suffering
August 13, 2023
Series: Worship on the Way
Israel shares their testimony in Psalm 129, about the Lord who showed up on time when they were struggling. The main point of the psalm is “the Lord is righteous.”… read more
March 27, 2022
Series: Longing
Speaker: Julie Cavanaugh
Topic: Compassion, Doubt, God's Character, Hope, Suffering
Book: Lamentations
Lamentations 3 is the opposite of Psalm 23, a cry for hope from God in the devastation. How can a good God who’s all powerful allow such suffering? When we’re… read more
November 7, 2021
Series: Identity
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: God's Kingdom, Persecution, Sovereign, Suffering, World System
Book: John
As Christians, part of our identity is that we are people who suffer, persecuted for our relationship with Jesus. How can we live in this world full of trouble? Hatred,… read more
December 8, 2019
Series: Making Room
Elizabeth and Zechariah were blameless, yet not shielded from suffering in which they relentlessly asked God for help. Can we believe that God is good in our pain, that He… read more
April 19, 2019
Series: Easter, Seven Lasting Words
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Relationship with God, Rest, Salvation, Submission, Suffering
Book: John
Jesus’ last three words were about Himself. They fulfill scripture and were about His body, soul, and spirit. Will we remember His words and put our trust in the One… read more
January 20, 2019
Series: Unashamed
Paul outlines five things for Timothy to understand while he’s following Jesus: learn to be strong in grace in Jesus, pass onto others what he has received, nothing worthwhile is… read more
March 5, 2017
Series: The Final Week
Jesus came into Jerusalem with a procession of peasants embodying the Kingdom of God. He wasn’t the King the Jews thought He would be, they didn’t understand His identity foretold… read more
October 2, 2016
Series: Overcome
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Enemies, Faithfulness, Following Jesus, Persecution, Suffering
Book: Revelation
Jesus knew the church at Smyrna: their names and where they lived, their poverty and afflictions, their low and weak position in society. They were overcomers by being faithful to… read more
August 28, 2016
Series: Myopia
Ryan and Laurel share their testimony of how God has brought them from myopia to believing in Him through their suffering. They desire for God’s will to be done in… read more