Topic: Victory
December 22, 2024
Series: Songs of the Season
The Song of Revelation reveals a scroll containing God’s plan to restore the world, which only Jesus is worthy to open. Through His sacrificial death, Jesus gained victory over sin… read more
August 13, 2023
Series: Worship on the Way
Israel shares their testimony in Psalm 129, about the Lord who showed up on time when they were struggling. The main point of the psalm is “the Lord is righteous.”… read more
April 15, 2022
Series: Easter
“Finished” occurs three times in John 19:28-30. It’s a victorious word declaring that our sin, death, and enemies has been and always will be finished. At the cross our sin… read more
February 23, 2020
Series: Back to the Heart of God
Three spectacular descriptions of God in Zephaniah: God is King, God is a mighty warrior, and God’s a bridegroom. We are to choose our side and decide who we will… read more
March 3, 2019
Series: Unashamed
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Faithfulness, Grace, Perseverance, Relationships, Victory
Book: 2 Timothy
At the end of Paul’s letter to Timothy, he encourages Timothy to keep his faith when life isn’t easy knowing there’s a prize waiting for him with Jesus. Paul doesn’t… read more
April 29, 2018
God is seated on His throne with a plan for this world, and Jesus sits beside Him for He has triumphed over every enemy. Knowing this reality, we are called… read more
April 9, 2017
Series: Easter, The Final Week
Baptism is a believer’s response to what Jesus did for them on the cross. He was separated from His Father when all our sins were placed upon Him, so we… read more
April 2, 2017
Series: The Final Week
Jesus often went to the Mount of Olives to be with His Father. On this extraordinary evening He understood the suffering He was about to endure, choosing to be obedient… read more
January 22, 2017
Series: Christianity
Jesus claimed to fulfill His mission through His death on the cross. He died to forgive our sins, reveal God’s character, and conquer evil’s powers. Our faith in His work… read more