Topic: Restoration
July 30, 2023
Series: Worship on the Way
Psalm 126 is sung as the community travelled to a celebration so they would not forget the people in their midst that are in a season of lament. In difficult… read more
April 16, 2023
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Believe, Discipleship, God's Word, Inheritance, Restoration
Book: Exodus
God promises rest in His Promised Land, but our unbelief can take us from Christ which keeps us from entering. When we focus on the Good News, move through our… read more
February 19, 2023
Series: Exodus
While living in a culture that values production and achievement, we are reminded by God’s Word to take a day each week to rest and worship the God who provides…. read more
November 20, 2022
Series: The Freedom of Following
Questions and Answers from the congregation about 1 John. Q & A, Following Jesus, Fellowship, Walking, Knowing Jesus, Sin, Forgiveness, Confession, Intercession, Anti-Christ, Blasphemy, Holy Spirit, Prayer, Discernment
April 3, 2022
Series: Longing
Scripture includes suffering, and God’s Word fully equips us to get through suffering and pain. Lamentations is a model of how to grieve, crying out to God for restoration. Theology… read more
February 6, 2022
Series: ENTER IN
Our heavenly Father wants us to ask for His will to be done in our lives. Our submission to Him will allow Him to work in us and through us…. read more
December 26, 2021
As a community, we can use Psalm 130 to cry out to God to find forgiveness, unfailing love, and redemption for our sins. Then we wait patiently and watch faithfully… read more
December 19, 2021
Series: Out of the Dark
We think we know better than our Creator, yet He was the one to make a way for our reconnection with Him. God revealed His glory when He sent Jesus,… read more
July 11, 2021
Series: Different
One of the aspects of radical discipleship is creation care. How we act in relationship to the earth proclaims the gospel, because God values all of His creation. Primary Relationships,… read more