Part 3 – You’re Blessed (Part B)
Part 3 – You’re Blessed (Part B)
Series: Life Can Begin Again
Topic: Beatitudes, Blessing, Grief over Sin, Meekness, Righteousness
Book: Matthew
Scripture: Matthew 5:1-10, Isaiah 61:1-2
Jesus finds people to believe in Him. When they repent and follow Him, they become blessed mourners. The meek commit their ways to the Lord, having strength under control. Those who know they’re not righteous are blessed, for they hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Postures, Progression, Happiness, Presence, Future, Comfort, Holy Spirit, Anger, Trust, Rest, Waiting, Renewed Earth, God’s Kingdom, Deepest Longing, Desires, Faithfulness, Relationships, God’s Word, Listen,