Part 4 – What can I Expect to Hear from God?
Part 4 – What can I Expect to Hear from God?
Series: Listening to the God Who Speaks
Topic: Dependance, God's Voice, Knowing God, Obedience, Wisdom
Book: John
Scripture: John 5:30, John 8:26-28, Isaiah 50:4
We begin to listen to God when we recognize His voice with a willingness to obey Him. Jesus listened to the Father and then took action. When God talks to us He will affirm who He is, what sin we need to let go of, His instructions for life and relationships, and His thoughts about us.
Presence, Discipleship, Self-Rule, Freedom, Purpose, Daily Discipline, Pride, Experience, Personally, God’s Grace, Conviction, Counsellor, Smartest Teacher, Prophecy,