Part 7 – Reality
Part 7 – Reality
Series: Overcome
Topic: Authentic, Discipline, God's Promises, Holy Spirit, Remember
Book: Revelation
Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6
The church at Sardis was well known with a good reputation, but their hearts were far from God. When we’ve wandered away from Jesus, He asks us to wake up to our heart’s condition, strengthen what remains, remember what we’ve seen and heard, obey Him, and repent. Jesus promises to purify the overcomers, to be with them, never removing their name from the Book of Life.
Seven Churches, Appearances, Looking Good Outwardly, Intentions, Deeds, Making Disciples, Love, Relationship with God, Gospel, New Life, Judgement, White, Heaven, Submission, Spirit-Filled Leaders, Authorship, Universal Application, God’s Word, Come,