Part 3 – The Cross of Christ
Part 3 – The Cross of Christ
Series: Christianity
Topic: Cross, Forgiveness, God's Character, Justice, Victory
Book: 1 John
Scripture: 1 John 4:10, Isaiah 53:5-6, Romans 5:6-8
Jesus claimed to fulfill His mission through His death on the cross. He died to forgive our sins, reveal God’s character, and conquer evil’s powers. Our faith in His work on the cross delivers us from our sins. We are a new people!
Crucified God, Melito of Sardis, Despised, No Value, Passover Lamb, Deliverance, Lord’s Supper, Salvation, Saviour, God’s Love, Enemies, Good News, Debt Paid, Ten Commandments, Peace, New Life, John Bunyan, Indescribable Gift,