Book: Romans
May 26, 2024
Series: People of The Way
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Book: Romans
There are three things we can do in order to live in the light of Jesus’ return. We must wake up from spiritual slumber and repent, clean up our lives… read more
March 24, 2024
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Believe, Discipleship, Gospel, Obedience
Book: Colossians, Mark, Proverbs, Romans
Pastor Dan Cochrane speaks about baptism, what it means, and why we do it. Jesus has called us all to repent by giving Him everything we are and have, and… read more
September 15, 2019
Series: Vision Sundays
The gospel is relevant for every culture and every age in time, and we need sensitivity to the Holy Spirit to share the gospel with others. Authenticity, hospitality, our testimony,… read more
May 19, 2019
Series: My Best Life
We are all created to worship – whether we worship things, ourselves, others, dreams, we long to delight in something and give it our heart. God created and delights in… read more
September 2, 2018
CrossRoads Church has been called to take the Good News to Central Alberta. We are to go out and not be ashamed of the message that salvation is for everybody,… read more
July 1, 2018
God is fully in charge of all authorities, for He is sovereign and they are His servants. We are called to have constructive engagement with the world, to courageous confrontation… read more
June 17, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Community, God's Mission, Great Commission, Serving, Spiritual Gifts
Book: Romans
Jesus commands: “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” As we obey His command to tell others the Good News, each person’s gifts are valuable as… read more
May 13, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
The Church is a diverse community brought together by our common belief in Jesus. Though we are flawed and imperfect, God works through His people to bring His presence into… read more
January 14, 2018
Series: Label
Inside all of us, there’s a need for acceptance, significance, and security. Our relationship with God can fulfill these needs, for the truth is that nothing can separate us from… read more