Part 4 – Marriage Matters
Part 4 – Marriage Matters
Series: 10 Ways to Enjoy Life
Topic: Adultery, Lust, Repentance, Sex, Spiritual Adultery
Book: Deuteronomy
We break the 7th commandment by committing adultery with our bodies, within our minds and hearts, and spiritual adultery where we give our spirits to worship false gods. The penalty for adultery is death, but it was transferred to Jesus when He took what we deserve to give us joy, peace and life with Him.
Marriage, Sexual Relations, Procreation, Pleasure, Desires, Body, Sexual Sin, Mind, Heart, Fantasy, Pride, Covenant Relationship, Salvation, Death, Penalty, Condemn, Confession, Disobedience, Forgiven, Peace, Enemy a Foothold, Holy Spirit, Counsellor, Temptations