Topic: Repentance
May 26, 2024
Series: People of The Way
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Book: Romans
There are three things we can do in order to live in the light of Jesus’ return. We must wake up from spiritual slumber and repent, clean up our lives… read more
December 3, 2023
Series: Advent 2023 - Watching & Waiting
John the Baptist urges people to repent and make our hearts right for Jesus. The wait for a Saviour is over – Jesus is here! John implores us to accept… read more
October 15, 2023
Series: Ephesians: A Letter for Living
Understanding the bad news is imperative for us to celebrate and fully enjoy the grace and hope God has given us. When we repent our sins and believe in the… read more
March 19, 2023
Series: Exodus
Speaker: Julie Cavanaugh
Topic: Anger, God's Character, Justice, Longsuffering, Repentance
Book: Exodus
God is longsuffering, He isn’t quick to get angry and punish us. He desires for us to repent and turn back to Him using our hardships to perfect us. God… read more
January 29, 2023
Series: Exodus
Pharoah had no experiential knowledge of the Lord, but he got to experience the Lord’s reign and power though the plagues. We see this story repeated with Jesus, God judges… read more
December 11, 2022
Series: Advent 2022
God weeps over cities because they’re broken and blind. This prevents them from experiencing His shalom – true peace. He’s attached to them and is grieved by them missing their… read more
September 25, 2022
Series: The Freedom of Following
Jesus is a real person. He can be known and experienced. We can return to the joy of knowing and following Jesus by looking for fellowship with Him, not to… read more
September 4, 2022
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Cleansing, Holy, Relationship with God, Relationships, Repentance
Book: Joshua
When God gives us the opportunity to start over, He asks us to consecrate ourselves by making our lives holy and ready for Him. We get ready by getting right… read more
March 20, 2022
Series: Longing
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Discipleship, Discipline, Forgiveness, Repentance, Sin
Book: Lamentations
When the Lord disciplines us, what does it look like? Our hearts need to be disturbed, awakened, and made right with God so that we may flourish, glorify Him, and… read more