Topic: Sharing Good News
December 11, 2016
God sent Jesus into the world to save the world through Him – that’s the Good News! This news brings us joy when we receive it, share it with others,… read more
April 10, 2016
Series: Luke: Gospel for Outsiders
The shepherds (the outsiders of their society) heard the good news first for the God said it would be given to the poor. When something is not normal, pay attention… read more
March 15, 2015
Series: No Other Name
Jesus brought the blind man out of the darkness by opening his eyes, which had never been done before. The blind man did what Jesus asked and his life was… read more
July 13, 2014
Series: Follower
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Brokenness, Jesus, Opportunities, Sharing Good News, Transformation
Book: Isaiah
Jesus was set apart by God to proclaim the Good News to the poor. All those who have experience transformation in their lives go out to join Jesus by speaking… read more
August 25, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Jonah was angry with God because He showed His compassionate and gracious character to the Ninevites. It is wise to let God shape your concerns and prayers to reflect His… read more
August 4, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Ashwin Ramani
Topic: All People, God's Mission, Neighbours, Sharing Good News, Worship
Book: Psalms
We share God’s story of redeeming all people groups to give them reason to praise a faithful and loving God. The worship of the Lord is incomplete until the day… read more
July 28, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
A palace worker heard that Jeremiah was stuck in a pit and took action to rescue him. Our neighbours may be crying out for help, and God is asking us… read more
July 7, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Spiritual growth happens when we allow ourselves to be courageous, being obedient to God’s Word by going to share the Good News and leaving the results up to Him. A… read more
June 2, 2013
Series: The Art of Neighbouring
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Covenant, Greatness, Neighbours, Sharing Good News, View of God
Book: Romans
Is there anything greater than God? He keeps His covenant with us to be for us, not abandoning us for any reason. This also benefits our neighbours, for when we… read more