Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
Series Details
Following Jesus... TOGETHER
May 13, 2018 - June 24, 2018
The Church is God's new society on earth; it's the people of God and the presence of God. We are responsible to commit ourselves to a local church, where our relationships are marked by love and we are willing to serve like Jesus did. Together we bring our gifts to the Church to make His name great, and receive blessings from His hand as we trust in Him.
Sermons: 7

Sermons in Following Jesus... TOGETHER
June 24, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
There are more promises in the Bible about generosity than anything else because God is a generous giver. A soft heart to Jesus leads us to participate in the grace… read more
June 17, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Community, God's Mission, Great Commission, Serving, Spiritual Gifts
Book: Romans
Jesus commands: “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” As we obey His command to tell others the Good News, each person’s gifts are valuable as… read more
June 10, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
Jesus washes the disciples feet to teach them about salvation and His will. He shows us how to treat others by the way He has served us with humility and… read more
June 3, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Character, God's Love, Love, Relationships, Spiritual Gifts
Book: 1 Corinthians
In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he tells them about a better way to live life: with love. Love is self-sacrificing and other-orientated. It’s essential to all Christian ministry, different… read more
May 27, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
As a part of God’s family, it is our responsibility to love one another. We love others because it’s the character of God, the activity of God, and the visibility… read more
May 20, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
After we believe in Jesus and obey with baptism, we put ourselves into a church community that loves Jesus for encouragement to live out our new life. A Spirit-filled church… read more
May 13, 2018
Series: Following Jesus... TOGETHER
The Church is a diverse community brought together by our common belief in Jesus. Though we are flawed and imperfect, God works through His people to bring His presence into… read more