Topic: New Creation
December 19, 2021
Series: Out of the Dark
We think we know better than our Creator, yet He was the one to make a way for our reconnection with Him. God revealed His glory when He sent Jesus,… read more
December 30, 2018
Is it true that our past defines our present and future? When we discover absolute truth, we can’t help but be changed like Saul was on the road to Damascus…. read more
September 2, 2018
CrossRoads Church has been called to take the Good News to Central Alberta. We are to go out and not be ashamed of the message that salvation is for everybody,… read more
August 26, 2018
Series: MOVE... A Study on James
Speaker: Jordan Cavanaugh
Topic: Christ's Return, New Creation, Patience, Perseverance, Wisdom
Book: James
What does patience look like when we’re suffering? James encourages us to wait with perseverance and godly wisdom, and without complaint, as we long for the return of Jesus. Longing,… read more
December 17, 2017
Jesus’ appearance in the past made God’s grace visible to us, and His return will make God’s glory visible. He has transformed our heart, so we leave our life of… read more
April 16, 2017
Series: Easter
Jesus was raised to life from death to prove that He is God. His resurrection gives us hope, because no matter how much we’ve wreaked our lives He is able… read more
October 25, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
Speaker: Dan Cochrane
Topic: Future, New Creation, Presence, Saviour, Transformation
Book: Revelation
What does the future look like? Everything is new, brought back to it’s original intent. God comes down to live with us, and the old order has passed away. We… read more
September 6, 2015
Series: Every Living Thing
God created the heavens and the earth, He owns it, and it is good. His purpose in creation is to bring everything under Jesus, having all things reconciled to Himself…. read more
May 26, 2013
Series: Jesus: Friend of Sinners
It’s the costly love of Jesus being accepted that becomes a powerful life changing force in a person’s life. In Jesus’ eyes, Zacchaeus was fully forgiven and given a new… read more